The Hourchive is a Conversation About Everything, one hour at a time.

Malls Redux | Ep #375

Malls Redux | Ep #375

malls redux.png

We’re back at the monument to consumerism to pay tribute to what was once the mall capital of the world, employ a five-finger discount in the spirit of friendship, and solicit a few tips for scoring girls from an adolescent Casanova.

Show Notes
Mad Men | Ep #373
Undertale | Ep #243
April Fool’s Day | Ep #374
Wax: Mallrats
The Mall | Ep #10
The Rise and Fall of Crestwood Plaza
The Life and Death of St. Louis Malls
Exhilarama (Crestwood Plaza)
Nick’s stuffed pepper

Mail | Ep #376

Mail | Ep #376

April Fool's Day | Ep #374

April Fool's Day | Ep #374